In the late 1960s and early 1970s, I was kept well-entertained by the Puffin Club. It was a good way of "belonging" for an only child in an isolated village- the magazines came through every quarter and even the envelope they came in was fun! When you joined, you got bookplates, a badge, a membership book, and even a secret code. There were holidays camps (which I never went to) and exhibitions (which I did, but was too shy to interact very much) and contests, in one of which I won a prize for designing a very imaginative "folly".

I LOVED this club- it was the perfect place for creatives and avid readers. Back in the 1960s and '70s, it was great to have something that inspired imaginative kids to make good use of those long summer holidays. I wonder if there is anything now that even vaguely resembles the Puffin Club?


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